Myyjän palkitseminen: Lähteitä ja lisätietoja
Bommaraju, R., & Hohenberg, S. (2018). Self-selected sales incentives: Evidence of their effectiveness, persistence, durability, and underlying mechanisms. Journal of Marketing, 82(5), 106-124.
Chung, D. J., Steenburgh, T., & Sudhir, K. (2014). Do bonuses enhance sales productivity? A dynamic structural analysis of bonus-based compensation plans. Marketing Science, 33(2), 165-187.
Chung, D., Kim, B., & Syam, N. B. (2020). A Practical Approach to Sales Compensation: What Do We Know Now? What Should We Know in the Future?. Foundations and Trends® in Marketing.
Chung, D. J., Kim, B., & Park, B. G. (2021). The comprehensive effects of sales force management: A dynamic structural analysis of selection, compensation, and training. Management Science.
Chung, D. J., Narayandas, D., & Chang, D. (2021). The effects of quota frequency: Sales performance and product focus. Management Science, 67(4), 2151-2170.
Joseph, K., & Kalwani, M. U. (1998). The role of bonus pay in salesforce compensation plans. Industrial Marketing Management, 27(2), 147-159.
Miao, C. F., Evans, K. R., & Li, P. (2017). Effects of top-performer rewards on fellow salespeople: a double-edged sword. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 37(4), 280-297.
Patil, A., & Syam, N. (2018). How do specialized personal incentives enhance sales performance? The benefits of steady sales growth. Journal of Marketing, 82(1), 57-73.
Radin, T. J., & Oppenheimer, R. J. (2002). The myth of the salesperson: Intended and unintended consequences of product-specific sales incentives. Journal of Business Ethics, 36(1), 79-92.
Schöttner, A. (2017). Optimal sales force compensation in dynamic settings: Commissions vs. bonuses. Management Science, 63(5), 1529-1544.