Myyntitiimin muodostaminen: Lähteitä ja lisätietoja
Garrett, J., & Gopalakrishna, S. (2019). Sales team formation: The right team member helps performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 13-22.
Homburg, C., Morguet, T. R., & Hohenberg, S. (2021). Incentivizing of inside sales units—the interplay of incentive types and unit structures. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 1-43.
Mullins, R. R., & Panagopoulos, N. G. (2019). Understanding the theory and practice of team selling: An introduction to the special section and recommendations on advancing sales team research. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 1-3.
Mullins, R., Menguc, B., & Panagopoulos, N. G. (2020). Antecedents and performance outcomes of value-based selling in sales teams: a multilevel, systems theory of motivation perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(6), 1053-1074.
Salomonsson, J., & Sjölin Sigebrant, L. (2020). Hur många säljare ryms i ett säljteam?: En kvantitativ studie av sambandet mellan sammansättningen av extroverta individer och prestation inom mäklarteam.
Van der Borgh, M., De Jong, A., & Nijssen, E. J. (2019). Why helping coworkers does not always make you poor: The contingent role of common and unique position within the sales team. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 23-40.
Zoltners, A. A., Sinha, P., & Lorimer, S. E. (2006). Match your sales force structure to your business life cycle. Harvard business review, 84(7/8), 80.